Kamis, 10 September 2009

google webmaster verification wordpress blog

Wordpress blog so that we easily indexed by Google, one of which we must verify our wordpress blog in Google Webmaster Tools. For starters, verification wordpress blog in Google Webmaster Tools is not as easy as imagined. But do not worry bro, I give the following simple way verification wordpress blog in one of the google tools.

By following this simple way, guaranteed the status of your wordpress blog verified (verified). With records, you must have a Gmail first. For those who do not have a Gmail email, please make first. Free koq.

Verification stages of the wordpress blog in Google Webmaster Tools are as follows:

1. Visit http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools.

2. Enter your username and your Gmail password.

3. Dashboard display will appear. Enter the URL of your wordpress blog on the red dikotaki columns below. Then click Add Site.

4. Overview display will appear. The next stage click Verify your site.

5. Status appears our wordpress blog is Unverified. To verify it, there are two methods of meta tags and uploading an HTML file. Select upload an HTML file, then copy the HTML code available.

6. In another browser, login to your wordpress blog. Click PAGE, and then click ADD NEW. Paste this HTML code into the Title field. Content sections do not need to be filled.

7. In the Attributes section, select your blog page that will be Parent. In this example I chose Parent page "Contact Me". Then click Publish. The new pages are published will not display tterlihat on our blog, but Google is still able to identify it.

8. Return to the browser Google Webmaster Tools, click verify.

9. When you come You've successfully verified http ..., this means your wordpress blog has been verified. Congratulations.

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